Up your festive game this year with Puressentiel Skin Youth DIY Kit

It’s time to up your festive game this Diwali with a healthy glowing skin. Amidst the abundance of festive joy and celebrations, this is also a time to give a little extra care to your skin to power through. Don’t worry, the Skin Youth Kit by Puressentiel has got you covered. It contains efficient ingredients like Rose Hip, Geranium and Ylang Ylang, which work wonders to keep your skin looking and feeling youthful.

This is a quick, easy to follow kit designed to be followed by the youth massage protocol to increase blood circulation and give a Facelift feeling. This has been curated to deliver efficient results and leave you with concern-free skin along with a natural glow.

Geranium Enhances the cellular exchange, stimulates the skin regeneration and smoothens the wrinkles. It also reduces brown spots on the skin.

Ylang Ylang balances the body and the mind. It acts on light depression symptoms like melancholy, weariness, anxiety which helps the mind to stay calm.

Rose Hip helps to Plump, Nourish, Soften and Protect the skin. It also improves the complexion of the skin.

Puressentiel uses the best elements of nature in an environmentally responsible and eco-friendly manner to make them available to everyone in their most basic and purest form.

With an incredibly curated combination of natural active ingredients, Skin youth DIY kit by Puressentiel is all that you need for the flawless and festive ready skin this Navratri.

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