ByBit India appoints crypto expert Abhyudoy Das as India Country Head

ByBit India, one of the top five cryptocurrency exchange platforms, has appointed Abhyudoy Das, popular Indian crypto expert, as their Country Head. He has been working withByBit India, Pakistan and Bangladesh for more than a year, leveraging his expertise for a faster crypto adoption in the South Asian

market. As the new Country Head, Abhyudoy plans to make Bybit the crypto exchange of choice for India. He plans to set up operations and processes to ensure faster adoption of crypto in the country.

Abhyudoy Das has proved his mettle as a dynamic leader in the industry, through his stint as the CMO of eCoin, founder and researcher at HelloFans, and an advisor for over ten start-ups since 2017. As the Country Head for ByBit India, Abhyudoy Das has always said multiple times “I look forward to bringing mass adoption of crypto in India. For any currency to be successful, the most important aspect is people’s adoption and acceptance of the said currency, that is the area where I believe I can make a difference.”

Winner of the Blockchain Accelerator Program run by Draper University and Tezos Blockchain, Abhyudoy Das, is no stranger to the Indian crypto market, as he mentors five crypto and blockchain start-ups and research projects. His innovative thinking, strong leadership, and sharp business acumen have earned him a spot in Fox Stories’ 40 under 40 to watch in India, Entrepreneur Today’s 30 under 30 list, and Global Business Line’s 30 under 30 business leaders list.

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