The Importance OF Mental Health

Why is it that our country still has an overbearing stigma towards mental health and stability? It is so important to have a healthy mind for the body and soul to be healthy too. However, people don’t give mental health the importance or the platform it so rightly deserves. It is essential that we create a safe space to talk about mental health so that the prevalent misconceptions don’t cloud the forthcoming

advancements. One of the most common misconceptions is that taking care of your mental health or seeking therapy makes you “crazy” or “insane”. These labels are what suppress an individuals need for being aware of ones mental health and to seek the help that the individual requires.

One might say that mental health deeply impacts the life of a person, their personality, behaviour patterns, aggression, and so much more encompasses the sphere of mental health. It is equally important to have a better understanding of what mental health is and how it can affect and improve our lives ,and the best way to do that is through education and recognition. One of the most important aspects is to be emotionally aware of a close ones behaviour and emotional patterns to recognise if they may be suffering or battling some kind of mental health condition. What a person needs at the time is a judgement free safe space where one can turn to or ask for the help he or she requires.

Its important to understand that the first step to recovery is always acknowledgement of the fact that yes, there is a problem but its a problem that one would not have to relish in or suffer with for the entirety of their lives alone. It is imperative that the person knows that they are not alone and that getting the help they need will not only make things easier for them but in the long run improve their overall standard of living.

Just because you are someone that has been struggling or battling a mental health condition does not mean that you cannot live a fulfilling life. It is said that one in every five person suffers from a type of mental health condition be it anxiety disorder, clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and so on. It is important that we educate ourselves on the many types of mental issues and the difference amongst them. Some may need severe interventions but some can even be cured. It is essential to know how to provide one with the specific tools required to deal with the situation especially if you are a care giver or provider.

Even at the academic front there should be awareness campaigns and fundraisers to create a sense of empowerment and oneness amongst the students. It is also required that the teachers and professors themselves educate themselves enough to understand the true needs of a student struggling with mental heath conditions. It very so often happens that a person is slammed with labels of being an unruly kid or someone incapable of behaving in a socially acceptable manner. However, this can be a result of an underlying issue. When this issue is not addressed properly, a problem arises and the child builds a lot of prejudices towards oneself and the rest because of their experiences. This will lead to a downward spiral which more often result in the child indulging in substance abuse, aggressive episodes and such.

To ensure that this does not happen mental health awareness is therefore required. Talking about post traumatic stress disorders, men and women enrolled in the army suffer a lot from this condition and face the consequence of this lifelong. But men specially do not seek help for it because our society labels men to be strong and fierce and idolises them in an unhealthy way. That is not how it should be, we as a society should create an environment where both men and women can call for help and get access to the help they need and deserve. We as a society have to adapt and change constantly in this process of evolution, creating ample opportunities and a level platform for both men and women. It is time for such blasphemous generalisations to be replaced with new and improved aspirations of a modern and healthy world. A world where mental health is no longer a taint or slur.

Namira Khan
Amity University, Kolkata

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