There is a difference between depression and sadness. Sadness can be overcome in few days but it is impossible to overcome depression. In few cases the victim need to consult a psychiatrist or the victim tries to commit suicide or a victim hurt himself or herself by various method or various ways.
During depression the victims sleeps a lot because he/she thinks sleep can overcome depression. People remove theirs app and Facebook profile picture (DP) in depression and also post sad stuffs.I know a girl who recently overcomes the depressed situation. During depression she disconnected herself from social life, friends, family. Before depression, she used to celebrate her life to the fullest but when she falls in depression she turned her life off. She used to lock herself in a dark room. Many of her friends used to visit her but she refuse to meet them. She was in a terrified state. She discontinued her eating, her lifestyle. She even tried to harm herself. Even she gained many suicidal thoughts. She was in a state from where she cannot return. She can’t her feelings and state of mind with her family not even her friends. The only thing she can do is crying .She felt hopeless and thought she lost everything in her life but in somewhere in her heart she never lose her hope and that feeling make her strong and independent. After 1 year she came out of that phase. She became mentally strong.To overcome depression:-
*One should spend lot of their time with their family and friends.
*One should get a good company of friends who entertains them and never make them feel alone.
*One should see motivational videos and stand-up comedy.
*One should read books of great authors such as Swami Vivekananda.
*One should exercise regularly and eat healthy food.
*One should involve himself or herself in doing creative things.
*One should take help of meditation or yoga to overcome depression.
*One should always have positive mind.Depression is a state of mind from where someone can’t overcome easily so it’s better to overcome depression but in case someone enters depressive phage the following instructions should be followed.
• Meditation.
• Exercise.
• Social activeness.
We should never give up. Life is full of difficulties and we should face every problem .Giving up is not any solution. There is always positive and negative side in a problem. Due to depression the victim will always see the negative side. They will be in their own world where they will think whatever they are thinking and doing is correct.Depressed people tend to see the world in a negative way. When things go wrong they blame themselves and when they go right, they put it down to luck. Depression reinforces self doubt and feelings of worthlessness.
Monitor your inner negative talk and make allowances for this type of thinking by reminding yourself that your thinking is that of a depressed person, not a healthy functioning person. Don’t take your thoughts seriously when you are feeling low. Acknowledge the thoughts but this doesn’t mean you have to believe them. Keep perspective.
At the end my solution to all the problems related to depression are that one should share the problems with their family and friends so that one gets over depression soon.
She completed her school from Auxilium Convent School and for further studies she joined Amity University for Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. She loves to create blogs and Quotes. She has been certified from “Your Quotes” Kolkata.
Something evegonee needs to know about
Definitely should look forward to a healthy life.
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