More than 5 Million Users, 38,000 Recruiters Hop on to Youth4Work

With its unique approach to aptitude testing and talent ranking, online career building platform Youth4Work is fast emerging as a preferred choice for India’s job seekers as well as recruiters with more than 5 million people joining the platform.

In fact, Youth4Work has added more than 3 million users across India over the last 2 years even as more than 38,000 recruiters have been onboarded onto the platform including MNC’s, SMEs as well as start-ups.

“It is a matter of great pride that our career building platform has been successful in reaching out to more than 5 million users in a span of a few years. In fact, more and more people, both job seekers and recruiters have warmed up to the idea of analyzing and ranking skills based on our algorithm. This gives recruiters a much wider idea about candidates than a plain resume can. Thanks to our tie ups with AICTE and UGC, we have been able to reach out to more than 30,000 colleges and their students over te last 2 years itself. More than 33000 recruiters refer to our talent board rankings and around 33% of the people who appear for the talent test on our platform get hired by different companies on youth4work,” said Rachit Jain, Founder & CEO, Youth4Work

Youth4work offers a platform for job seekers to build a comprehensive talent profile on its website. It further offers a series of uniquely designed aptitude and skill tests for different academic fields and domains to create a ranking system for candidates. The platform also offers professional help to candidates in improving their profile and rankings. More than 2.3 million people have given the Aptitude tests at Youth4work while approximately 4.3 million have appeared for the yTest (skill test) so far.

The platform is now looking to expand its presence more widely in smaller cities where a bulk of young talent is concentrated.

“While we already have a substantial presence in top tier cities, we are now looking for ways to penetrate deeper into to Tier II, Tier III cities along with improving our rural reach. This is necessary if we want to create a real difference in the Indian job market. Our main focus will be on developing multi-lingual website with a significant focus on regional languages. We are also looking forward to expand our reach in the UAE,” added Rachit Jain.

Job seekers build their profile at Youth4work, give free online talent tests and work on improving their rankings. The profile building offers job seekers the options of adding blogs and work portfolios and samples of notable projects undertaken by the candidate to make their profile impressive to employers as well as improve its ranking. Much like LinkedIn, the system also getting recommendations from friends which further improves the 'talent profile'. Improving your public work profile at Youth4work, improves your chances of employers finding you. As for employers, they love this method of searching, it improves their efficiency and improves screening process to highlight the top relevant people with whom they can begin a conversation easily.

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