Brand USA Successfully Organizes Eighth Annual India Travel Mission

Brand USA, the destination marketing organization for the United States, successfully organized their eighth annual India Travel Mission with an aim to educate the Indian travel industry on the limitless potential of the US as a travel destination, plus build and renew relationships with their Indian trade
partners. A delegation of 38 US companies and 53 delegates took part in this mission that traveled to Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi from September 22-27, 2019. Delegates, including representatives from tourism boards, hotels and receptive operators, among others, received an overwhelming response from the Indian travel trade with more than 820 people attending the multi-city business event. The finale was a dedicated media day, organized in New Delhi, where leading travel trade and consumer media were invited to interact with and gather inputs from visiting US delegation.

Commenting on the success of the sales mission, Sheema Vohra, Managing Director of Brand USA in India, said, “The 2019 Brand USA India Mission has been a remarkable event, with the engagement in each city generating noteworthy opportunities and avenues for future business expansion with our Indian partners. This year’s tremendous turnout further enhances the USA as one of the most preferred travel destinations, offering a diverse range of immersive experiences. India holds vast potential for increased tourism to the United States of America and we anticipate significant growth in future.”

The United States of America has seen an upsurge in tourist arrivals from India. In 2018, a record 1.4 million Indians visited the US, positioning India at the 10th slot in terms of visitor arrivals. Moreover, Indians were ranked 5th highest in visitor spending in the USA. Indians’ spend reached $15.78 billion in 2018 as compared to spends of $14.70 billion in 2017, more than several countries with higher arrival numbers to the USA. There is still tremendous opportunity for growth in the near future, as the US currently captures only about 5.5 percent of the Indian outbound travel market. With more Indians now acquiring passports and with the rise of an affluent middle-class, India is positioned as a key market for Brand USA.

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