Saturn And Equity Markets

Saturn takes almost thirty years to complete its one rotation in transit starting from Aries ending in Pisces. We take Aries as starting point because that is the first Rashi in the natural horoscope. And Sun also starts solar year with its entry in to first part of the first constellation that is Ashwini Constellation.

We start with Saturn’s transit of Aries from
July 1968, as before that period equity and markets were not much known to the people of India. With the movement of Saturn in the Aries, the whole world started witnessing the entry of great depression for the second time after thirties. World economies took almost ten years till 1979 – 1980 to fight and come out of that depressionary pressure.

With Saturn’s entry in to Virgo Rashi in transit in November 1979, efforts of world economies to move out of grip of depressionary pressure started giving results. One more interesting thing or event that took place in the same period was that the price of precious metal GOLD and SILVER made their life time high till that date in history in dollar terms.

After that, Saturn moved in to LIBRA Rashi in transit in October 1982 and stayed in that Rashi till October 1985. That was a period of three years. During this transitory phase of Saturn, equity markets remained range bound in the first 20 degrees of transit and in last ten degrees that is from 20 to 30 degrees of transit it moved up positively and that movement was by almost 100%.

Entry of Big Bull Harshad Mehta and foreign investors from the early nineties created a movement of frenzy and excitement and people started coming in to the markets in a very big way and equity markets gained acceptance as a source of livelihood by masses in India. The Golden period of Big Bull Harshad Mehta came to an end with the transitory changes of Saturn from Aquarius Rashi to Pisces rashi.

That period also witnessed a pause in the activity by Foreign Investors. And Equity markets also witnessed lessoned activity and lack of interest in that transitory phase that lasted till May 1998.

A cycle of transit of Saturn of thirty years ended in May 1998 which started in July 1968.

Another cycle of Transit of Saturn started in May 1998 with Saturn again entering in to Aries Rashi. The seeds of depression were sown in Saturn’s transit of Aries, from 1968 to 1971. Almost similar situation took place or started developing in the transitory phase of Saturn that started from May 1998 and lasted till June 2000.

Housing sector the world over started giving signals of possible troubles that we all witnessed for the next at least ten years. And because of that problem the world economies came heavily under pressure and how big names of money markets crashed that we all witnessed and that sent the equity markets world over in a tail spin is a historical event that we will never forget.

Efforts put in by world economies together in the transitory phase of Saturn in Virgo from September 2009 to November 2011 started giving good results and the recovery is been witnessed by all. Precious metals GOLD and SILVER made their life time high in dollar terms in the same transitory phase of Saturn in Virgo. Rates of precious metals are determined in dollar term world over and not in rupee term.

Rates in Indian Currency made new high because of the weakness in Rupee value. This was in perfect synchronized move as the same happened in the transitory phase of Saturn in Virgo in early eighties as discussed herein report.

So taking in to account the historical transitory moves of the Saturn, we hereby conclude that the Saturn transit through LIBRA Rashi starting from November 2011 till October 2014, will make the equity markets move in a particular range in first twenty degrees of the transit. Once the Saturn crosses twenty degrees in transit and enters in to last ten degrees of transit that is between 20 degree to 30 degree, equity markets will definitely start giving a clear direction and will rise by almost 100% by the time it finishes or exits from the LIBRA Rashi.

In common and simple words, out of the three year transit of Saturn in LIBRA Rashi, first two years will not be giving any firm direction to the equity markets and equity markets will remain in a narrow range or a range bound movement.

In the final third year of transit from November 2013 to first week of November 2014, Indian Equity markets will make positive directional moves and we might see an up move of almost 100% from the starting levels of markets at the time of start of transitory phase of Saturn in LIBRA Rashi.

Levels of the NIFTY were 5070 when the transit of Saturn in LIBRA Rashi started in November 2011.

Levels of NIFTY, as on today, that is 18/04/2014 is 6779 on closing basis.

This is a small narrated transcript of original research report written by Astro-Tech Analyst Rajkishore Bang on 31st JULY 2011.

-Rajkishore BangAstro-Tech Analyst

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