JEALOUSY- Anjali Luthria

Probably, people might be jealous of you when they try to put you down. It is a natural tendency of a human being to get jealous. It is truly said that "Success hugs you in private but failure slaps you in public."

But the fact is success
doesn't just hug you silently, it appreciates you through jealousy of people around .Reasons of jealousy could be complex issues, intelligence issues, etc.

By trying to prove it to you that even they are “something” they ultimately admit that they are hardly “anything” compared to you.

So when someone laughs at you, try to find out the positive aspect of that laughter. It would surely make you feel better. Rather when people laugh at you, they just do it for fun.

It is just that they use you for entertainment; they wish to burn the hell out of you and want you to break your head all around.

So my dear friend, instead of crying for getting teased, you can opt for other options i.e. Just encourage them sarcastically for teasing you or do not react.

Find the positive side of things for which you are being teased, rather find their flaws and tease them back.

Yes, it is wrong to hurt people, but if you seriously can’t tolerate them, then show them the mirror image of hat they do.

They would surely be guilty and this would keep them away from teasing others. When it comes to physical appearance, “no-one” in this world is perfect. After a couple of those teenage years, everyone might loose that charm, so not a big deal.          

Secondly, when you yourself get jealous of some-one, instead of finding ways to show them your wealth-which would not be real, you should just try to improve your wealth.

In this context, wealth is supposed to be your looks, knowledge or money, etc. Don’t waste your time on unnecessary things; utilize it to get productive results.

You need not go to people to proove that you have improved. If you have really done, it would be noticed for sure. So “Rather than putting others down, learn from them itself and move a step forward from them.”

Lastly just love yourself unconditionally. “Instead of getting jealous of some-one, look at your own self and start loving yourself. Everyone is unique in their own way.”

-Anjali Luthria

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