Bihar wins SMART Governance Award

Under Support Programme for Urban Reforms (SPUR) it has bagged the ‘Order of Merit’ award for Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Bihar at the prestigious SKOCH Awards held during September 2013.

IPE Global is providing technical assistance to SPUR project in Bihar, which is an initiative of the Government of Bihar and
is funded by Department for International Development (DFID).

This award was bestowed under the category of SMART Governance to the ‘Centralised Grievance Redressal System for 141 ULBs of Bihar’. The intervention now features in the Merit List of India’s Best – 2013.

Centralized Grievance Redressal System

The Centralized Grievance Redressal System, not only seeks to improve government-citizen interface, but it  is also designed to enhance accountability and improvements in municipal services.

It provides a uniform platform to register citizens’ grievances and to give feedback.

Glimpses of the success of the project

The intervention has a well-defined escalation matrix for non-adherence to defined timelines for grievance redress. An SMS gateway has been integrated for information to citizens and action taking authority and its centralized implementation set-up facilitates economy of scale and ensures no additional financial burden on the ULB’.

The system was launched in February 2013 and has been working well with 80% of grievances successfully closed.

Mr. Ashwajit Singh, Chairman & Managing Director, IPE Global, said, “It is a matter of great pride for us to be associated with such successful interventions under the Government of Bihar. SPUR is doing great work in addressing the urban sector needs of the state.”

The jury member shortlisting the awards commented that  two specific aspects of the entry from Bihar were impressive. Firstly, the fact that an urban intervention from Bihar had made its presence felt at the national level.
Secondly, development of the Citizens Charter in Bihar has been done for different categories of municipalities and not for individual municipalities as is the common practice.

About IPE Global:

IPE Global is a multi-disciplinary management consulting firm that focuses on the development sector. It provides end-to-end consultancy and implementation services. It is headquartered in Delhi, India with four international offices in United Kingdom, Kenya, Ethiopia and Bangladesh.

It works with multilateral, bilateral, governments and development agencies in sectors which include: Economic Policy and Financial Management, Health & Nutrition, Urban Development, Social & Education, Engineering and Infrastructure Development, Tourism, E-Governance, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment.

IPE Global specializes in areas which include Systems Strengthening, Policy Formulation, Capacity Building and Monitoring and Evaluation.

It has over 1000 extremely skilled specialists which include over 500 full time professionals and 500 empanelled international and domestic consultants. IPE Global works pan India over 22 states.

It has undertaken more than 350 challenging assignments in over 25 countries for international agencies including the World Bank, ADB, UNICEF, UNDP, DFID, USAID and JICA.

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