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Rajkishore |
debilitated (Neech ka). And in cancer rashi it will remain in transit till 05th October 2013
that is a period of almost 45 – 46 days.
Mars is grade one malefic planet and as it has gone debilitated in transit, it will affect almost all rashi individuals in different ways.
As also we have to take in to consideration the mutual aspect of different planets on each
other, here also another highest grade malefic planet
Saturn will be playing a major role as well.
Saturn in transit is in Libra rashi and from there it is having its 10th aspect on planet
Mars and Mars from Cancer rashi is having its 4th aspect on planet Saturn. So while
calculating effects we will have to consider the aspect of Saturn as well.
Aries ascendant and rashi people will face hurdles and misunderstandings on home front as well as issues related with properties and involving parents. Some problems may also crop up related with partners or partnership (including life partner). But as far as profession or work is concerned they might witness some good developments in that.
Taurus individuals will have to be extra careful as regards their relationship with siblings i.e. brothers and sisters. There could be possibilities of some negative developments between them. Relations with friends and colleagues as well might get stretched. Neighbors may create some sort of nuisance or problem. But lady luck will favor them and despite people trying hard to tarnish taurians image they may end up as loser.
Gemini individuals may find it difficult to manage the money matters successfully as money may flow out of their hands in one way or another. Chances of some clashes in family may be their or someone might try to malign your image. They Has to take care of health related matters.
Cancer individuals might suddenly feel aggressive because of the transitory effects of Mars.
But this is a good period to enter in to new partnerships for all cancerians.
Leo individuals may feel the heat as regards personal relationship due to this transitory
effect. But chances are very bright that they will crush all their enemies if they try to harass them in any way so this is a bad period for all those who think of taking on Leo individuals.
Good time for new ventures and partnerships. Overseas ventures will give great returns. If
some of the Leo are waiting to move abroad, for them this is a very good period with very
good success rate, Virgo Individuals may end up losing on profit front in their assignments due to this transit. Relationship of married individuals with their in laws may get disturbed to some extent.
Libra individuals may have to face the heat in their respective profession or business and
health of one of the parents will be cause of concern. But they can expect a positive
development regarding property matters. Health of self or even spouse needs some
Scorpio individuals might find it tough to get their lady luck work for them. But they will
succeed with their own courage and valor even if luck does not favor them much.
Sagittarius individuals may find it little bit annoying to tackle their children and Sagittarius
students might find it tough to go along with regular studies. Some problems related with
children and self health could be an issue to take priority. But chances are bright of some
savings related with money or accumulated wealth.
Capricorn individuals should be careful as regards the relations and health of their life
Aquarius individuals should be careful in their dealing with friend and relatives as well as
colleagues and siblings. They also will have to be diplomatic and tactful in dealing with all
inimical issues. Unexpected things might crop up which affects these individuals negatively.
But they can expect some very good news from overseas ventures if any.
Pisces individuals should be extra careful with respect to their children as this transit of
Mars could be bad for that. Even lady luck may run out of favor in this period. But they can expect some very good profit or unexpected sudden gain in this period.
NOTE: all the above discussed details are based on general principal and effects discussed as above might depend on planetary position in respective Birth chart of individuals. While all precautions has been taken for the accuracy of complex calculations writer of this document makes no warranties, either expressed or implied.
-Astrologer Rajkishore
For details Contact: Astrologer Rajkishore
Cell: 9920202022 E‐Mail: maheshwari066@gmail.com
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